Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Random Top Ten - Party Games # ' s 5 - 1

For the record, I am leaving Cranium out of my list. It was already discussed and I personally think it was made by Lucifer himself. Anyways, on to the top 5. Drumroll please.....

#5- No-Limit Texas Hold-em Poker
Concept- if you dont know how to play texas hold em at this point, you are an idiot. I went to the JC Penny recently, and next to the Men's suits were poker tables and chips. The poker "boom" is getting to reality tv-esque pandemic mode. Everywhere you look, you see some type of poker product or Celebertiy Poker Showdown, World Series of Poker, When Animals Play Poker, America's Funniest Home Poker Games,etc. Remember when people used to get together and play 7 card stud with like 6 different wilds and dime/quarter stakes? Neither do I.
Pros - Its always fun to take your friends money, especially when you limp in with pocket rockets under the gun and your buddy goes all in with 2, 7 off suit in the big blind.
Cons- Some people (read: females, homosexual men) don't know how to play and have no idea what I just typed under the Pros section. Gambling is not attractive to all demographics (read: females, homosexual men).

#4 Drunken Braveheart
Concept- Around noon, 1 pmish, Get a bunch of guys together, hang black sheets over the windows to create a very dark atmosphere in someones living room, and throw in the movie Braveheart. Gay enough for ya? Here is how the game is played, teams of 2 try and finish a case of beer by the end of the 3+ hour long movie. Thats it. Doesnt sound that fun but it is.
Pros - the great thing about this game is that everyone gets shitfaced and the blacked out environment causes confusion as to what time it is. So at the end of the movie, you charge out of the house like animals, ready for some shots at the bar only to find out its not 1 in the morning but 3 in the afternoon and you have 6 hours before anyone starts drinking.
Cons- there will always be one or two of you that start crying during the last scene, making everyone a bit uncomfortable.

#3 Spin the Bottle
Concept- Grab any kind of bottle from the kitchen, ketchup preferably, sit around in a circle and start playing. First person spins the bottle, whoever it points to is the person he/she has to kiss.
Pros- Great icebreaker to start the night off, often leads to serious petting and/or relationships.
Cons- That one ugly chick that no one wants to kiss is always the one that your bottle points to. Usually only played til the age of 10-14 due to its "childish" nature. Really starts to get out of hand after a few beers.

#2 Cornhole
Concept- Take 8 bean bags, two boards with a round hole in them and start throwing. Two teams of 2 play against each other in a horse-shoe type setting. Bag in the hole is 3 points, on the board is 1 point. First to 15 wins.
Pros- Weather pending, this is the best outdoor game ever invented. Simplistic in nature, the game can be played by any person regardless of athletic ability. Drinking while tossing bags makes the games even better. There is no greater feeling than tossing a 4-bagger (all four in the hole)
Cons- Expensive set up. Longer games can be boring for spectators. With exception, only a day game and only under dry conditions. The word cornhole reminds some people of the common slang for your ass.

#1- Catch Phrase
Now, I know what you are thinking, how could I have catch phrase be my top Party game when it is also how I picture hell. Don't remember that post, here it is from way back when. Let me explain. Concept- A magical game console is passed around with various words or phrases in the center. The object is to make your team guess said words or phrases without saying the actual word. Its a "hot potato" of sorts, once you get the word, pass the game to the next person, who then tries to get his team to guess. When the buzzer goes off, the team with it loses a point! Brilliant!
Pros- Incredibly easy to learn, very social game where everyone is involved, the electronic game has limitless (seemingly) word/phrases.
Cons- Its nearly impossible to determine a good tie-breaker rule. You pass the console and the other team reaches for it, the buzzer sounds and immediately people start screaming at each other. Its like the opening bell on Wall Street. My solution which I have suggested to Tom and Sally Catchphrase, is to use the invisible fence technology to add a little shock to the console when the buzzer goes off. Whoever starts convulsing loses. Plain and simple right?

There you have it folks, if for some reason you haven't tried any of the games mentioned, make it a New Years Resolution to try it out. You will not be disappointed. The Weekly Grind is off this week, have a great holiday and we will get back to the blogging next week.


Blogger Eric said...

What do you mean out-dated? You are telling me that kids nowadays don't play spin the bottle or Russian Roulette? oh yeah, thats right, I forgot your generation is a bunch of pussies. Go back to your Sony PSP's and XBox 360's, I'll take my betamax, watch reruns of M.A.S.H and be at peace.

9:23 a.m.  

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