Monday, December 19, 2005

Random Top Ten - Party Games #'s 10-6

In lieu of the clever post by SKY, and even cleverer comment by Pauly, I am posting my Top Ten Party Games. Just listing them would be too easy and most likely not very funny so I am going to engulf myself in descriptive prose, going over the basic concept of the game, and then listing both pros and cons. Enjoy this two part series.

#10 - Russian Roulette
Concept- using any small handgun found in most households, empty 5 out of the 6 chambers leaving one single bullet, or the "prize" for this game. Spin the chamber and lock it into the gun. Roll a dice to see who goes first. That person takes the gun to his/her temple, pulls the trigger and if nothing happens, he/she passes it to the next person until the "prize" goes off.
Pros - Very tense and emotionally driven game, does not cost much and its easy to set up.
Cons- Can be played with only 6 people. Games last only 2 to 3 minutes. Certain death for one of the players. Messy cleanup afterwards.

#9 - Monopoly
Concept- Players acquire property through capitalistic ventures and try to bankrupt others. Think Fantasy Football only with Monolopy replacing Football.
Pros- Teaches business concepts and introduces kids to corporate america via ruthless mergers and fierce acquisitons. Cute little game pieces including but not limited to a thimble, Rolls-Royce modeled car, an iron. Free parking and passing Go increasing your bankroll.
Cons- Could take up to 7 to 12 hours, depending on ones ability to obtain a monopoly. Luxury tax of $75 incredibly out-dated. Three rolls or "doubles" teaches kids that if you do go to jail, the punishment is not that bad, especially when your opponent owns the orange and red monopolies.

#8 - Asshole
Concept- the classic drinking game where cards are dealt, Presidents are not limited to two terms and Assholes quietly have all the control.
Pros- Very social game. Lots of heavy boozing. Presidentially created rules increase fun levels.
Cons- Not truly indicative of the democratic process. Cheaters may or may not make the game less fun by installing ruthless dictators for longer terms than deserved.

#7- Trivial Pursuit
Concept- "Jeopardy in board game form" as I like to call it. Though there are no cash prizes, the 6 categories are always the same and you don't have to answer in question format.
Pros- Makes really smart people feel good about themselves. Answering really obscure questions correctly leads to admiration and respect.
Cons- Makes really stupid people feel like shit. When guys get sports questions wrong, people unfairly question their sexual preference. Takes quite a long time to obtain the 6 necessary pieces and final correct answer for victory.

#6- Yahtzee
Concept- Take 5 dice or "di", roll them three times and accumulate points through different categories like 4 of a kind, Full house and Chance.
Pros- Getting 5 of the same number and yelling out "Yahtzee" to infuriate your opponents is a great feeling. Can be played with many players. Helps improve your poker skills through the quick calculaton of odds, basic understanding of the hands.
Cons- The implication of luck being the only skill used is ridiculous, but a commonly used excuse for not being good at playing the game. i.e. "you are so lucky" and "congratulations you are the luckiest duechebag I have ever met".

Part II to come later today or tomorrow....or possibly the next day.


Blogger Prof. A said...

I think Russian Roulette should be bumped up one spot on the basis that you can make Deer Hunter quotes and references while playing. For the loser, "Don't just lie there! You're such a Chistopher Walken!"

7:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're not supposed to get any money by landing on free parking

that's such a bullshit rule that people pull out of their arses and refuse to concede

word verification mcyhlpgr

9:18 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with anonymous on free parking but everyone still does it and you have to have something to hope to land on. Another unspoken rule that everyone loves but isn't written is getting 400 for landing on Go, now thats a classic. Can't wait to see the top ten since i am the queen of games, im hoping to see some of my favs.

12:32 p.m.  

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